Tricks from Industry Insiders

Advice, Mindset, Audition Tips Denise Simon Advice, Mindset, Audition Tips Denise Simon

How Auditioning is Just Like Dating

Have you kissed a lot of frogs lately? How many dates do you have to go on to find “the one”?

I’m currently exploring the world of online dating and have found a surprising parallel: first dates are a lot like auditions. Whether you’re looking for a role you love or the next love of your life, you have to go on lots of auditions before you find the perfect fit. Online dating, auditioning, or both, these tips offer valuable information you can use in either situation!

You can’t control the outcome. 
When you go on a first date, you only know the basics: height, age, whether they like dogs, etc. Auditions are also big unknowns. An actor often walks into an audition with basic information and is asked to perform without knowing much about the context. Just like hoping “he’s the one,” this is scary, exciting, and a fact of life for actors. Sometimes all you can do is show up to the audition—or the date—ready to be your best.

A good photo is your calling card. 
Your photo is the first step in getting someone’s attention. Having an up-to-date, flattering photo is essential for both attracting dates and those in the entertainment industry. Your headshot will be reviewed by casting directors, potential agents, and managers. Be sure it portrays you at your best but isn’t airbrushed or faked in any way. People want to see the real you!

READ: 7 Tips for a Better Headshot

Be your unique yourself. 
Told a little white lie about how you love to rock climb and now find yourself in a harness and safety helmet on a date? What about fibbing and listing stage combat as a special skill on your actor resume only to find yourself asked to spar with someone during an audition?

In both dating and auditioning, you need to be your unique, perfect self. No matter how talented and amazing a performer you may be, casting choices are often based on arbitrary traits. Your job is to show up ready to audition honestly with your unique interpretation of the material.

Remember that they want it to work out, too.
He shares your interests, is adorable, smart, and witty. You like this guy already, but now you’re worried he won’t feel the same way and you work yourself into a negative spiral before the first date even happens.

News flash! He wants you to be the one, too. It’s the same way in auditions; no one wants you to fail. Casting directors are on your side, hoping that you’ll be perfect for the part. You don’t need to fear them.

Stop trying and let it go. 
My mother tells me love will happen when I least expect it. I think she’s right. Your next part will come along in the same mysterious way. Stop trying so hard. Yes, you need to study your lines, work with your coach, and understand the character. Preparation is always important. However, try to relax and enjoy the process. The sooner you can let go of disappointment over a lost role, the sooner you can move on to the next audition.

READ: 10 Attitudes That Keep Actors From Working

It’s great practice. 
Last month, I went on what felt like a million dates and sometimes I really just felt like giving up. But then I remember my 98-year-old aunt telling me, “Just keep going, it’s good practice for when the right one comes along.” And she’s right: I learn more about myself with every first date.

The same is true for auditioning. Each time you audition, you have the opportunity to learn more about yourself and your craft. Pay attention and keep notes on all you’re learning. The information will be very helpful.

Don’t give up before it happens. 
I dated a lot in my twenties. Just when I thought I might never meet the one, I met my husband. We had a nice long run (although I’m back on the market again). Just like dating, the odds of landing a role are pretty slim. There are often hundreds of actors answering the call for an audition, yet only one will be cast. Every actor faces the same overwhelming odds and the likelihood of rejection. That means you might have to go on 50 first auditions and get hundreds of rejections for every part you do land. Just remember that every “no” gets you that much closer to a “yes.” Actors are rejected many times before finding the right role at the right time with the right people. Success comes to those who stay positive and continue auditioning with confidence.

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Advice, Mindset Denise Simon Advice, Mindset Denise Simon

4 Reasons Young Actors Must Embrace Rejection

Like most skills, dealing with rejection takes practice, and show business is the best place to train for it! There are many things that make this a tough industry, but the steep competition is one of the biggest. No one likes being passed over, left out, or told they are not “right.” Still, competition is a fact of life and the better we are at handling rejection, the easier it will be to stay competitive as we grow up. Here are some tips to help guide your young performer as he faces his fears and hears no after giving it his best.

1. Perspective. Auditions are big unknowns. You walk into the room with basic information and sometimes little context. All you can be is your unique self. Your job is to go for it! Do your best, don’t worry about what you don’t know, and then go home happy. One way to do that is to understand that some things are out of your control. This is a creative business that has little to do with concrete rules. Casting directors have a number of criteria for each part they are casting, such as age, height, weight, sex, ethnicity, or type. Sometimes, young actors even need to resemble on-set family members who were already cast! It is not personal. The truth is, no matter how talented and amazing a performer might be, the choice is often based on arbitrary traits. Let your child know that the important thing is to do his personal best and enjoy the process. 

2. Statistics. There may be hundreds of actors answering the call for an audition, yet only one will be cast. The odds are not great. Every actor faces the same daunting odds, and the likelihood of rejection. That means you have to go on hundreds of auditions for every one you land. Each no gets you that much closer to the time when you hear yes. The important thing to remember is that success comes from those who keep going, don’t give up, and continue with confidence. 

3. Resilience. Every time we try something, we risk failure. No matter what it is, the next step is the same. Try again! Resilience is a life lesson that actors learn to accept and embrace because it is so critical to their way of life. Praise your child’s efforts, hard work, and the courage they show every time they perform. If they get caught up in second-guessing themselves, acknowledge their concerns and let them know you can relate. Share some things that you learned from your own past “failures.” Teach them that reviewing the past can be helpful as long as it is framed in a positive way. There are lots of clichés about resilience that may be helpful at times of rejection, such as, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going,” and “What defines us is how quickly we get up after falling.” Keep in mind that failures are full of insights! Make it a game to hunt for one or two nuggets of wisdom that will give your child greater confidence in the future. Celebrate the day’s achievements with a fun treat like pizza, ice cream, or a movie!

4. Perseverance. Ask a group of people to define success, and you will get many answers, but every list will include hard work. Hard work is more effective than smarts, looks, money, and talent all put together, because you and only you can make it happen. If you think about only the end goal, it might seem impossible to reach from here. The trick is to start small and persevere. With one small step after another, we make progress. Over time, the results from your efforts will grow. By participating in show business, young performers learn that their dreams may not come easily. They see firsthand that they need to work long and hard in order to succeed. Because they are doing something they love, they are motivated to study the music, memorize their lines, book the auditions, and do it again until they find the right role for them.

The very fact that show business is tough means that kids who pursue their passion for performance will gain valuable life skills. They will take chances by auditioning and face the rejections that come. Given the random nature of this creative field and the odds against landing each role, kids learn to keep things in perspective and not take “failure” personally. With hard work, kids will grow and improve, which empowers them to tackle challenges in all areas of life. Learn to embrace rejection and you will ultimately grow stronger, more confident, and more successful as a result.

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Advice, Mindset Denise Simon Advice, Mindset Denise Simon

How To Help Your Child Actor Have a Fun and Productive Summer

I like to think of time in four ways – my time, your time, together time, and down time. My child needs empowering, fun, and enriching activities to help her grow and learn independence. I need “me” time whether I am working or relaxing. Together time as a family, including vacations and activities at home, is equally important – especially since our kids are grown and out of the house before we know it. We all lead busy lives so building in downtime is crucial to prevent burn out.

Most school-aged children have eight to ten weeks of summer break. This can either be a blessing or a curse depending on your child’s individual needs and personality. I know my own children benefit from structure. However, as much as I would like them to keep busy, they remind me they need downtime too. For example, seven weeks of sleep-away camp is too much time away from home for my teenage daughter, so we found a program where she goes for four weeks and gets to come home on the weekends. This arrangement works beautifully for our family. I had never heard of this kind of camp schedule before, but I am grateful I found it. The point is that there are lots of options, so you should be able to find something that is just right for your family.


Your Child’s Time
Does your child love to act and want to train? During the school year, he might get really bogged down with auditions and homework. During the summer, maybe he would enjoy something like my upcoming four-day acting boot-camp. Something like this can be a great way for these young performers to get back to basics with improvisation, learning a new monologue, and perfecting their audition technique for TV and film. Or perhaps your child has a musical bent. I am also collaborating with my colleagues in voice and casting offering one-day musical theater workshops culminating with a performance in a landmark cabaret club. I personally love shorter workshops such as these because they give both my students and me the flexibility to fit in many other life enhancing activities that help create balance.

Your Time
While planning out your summer schedule, don’t forget about you – the parent. Our tendency is to put so much emphasis on the many wonderful opportunities available for our children that we sometimes forget our own needs. While your child is either away from home or in a daily program, you may want to consider learning a new skill yourself. How about some yoga and meditation? I recently spent a weekend at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health and came back rejuvenated and inspired! Maybe learning to paint or dance is more your thing. Just do something to take care of yourself so you can be the best you can be for your child and your family.

Together Time
Planning a vacation or “staycation?” Summer is a great time to check out theater and concerts in your local parks for the entire family to enjoy. There are also plenty of online sites that offer discount vacation packages last minute. Whatever you decide, the most important thing is doing things together.

Down Time
Burned out on too much theater? Perhaps a week of something physical like tennis or soccer camp is what your child needs to get away from it all and stretch a few new muscles. What about doing nothing? This is a concept very foreign to me, but I am trying to find time to do more and more of it. My child needs it. I need it. And together we all need it to lead calmer, more serene and peaceful lives.

There are many kinds of summer camp programs available for your children – typically ranging from one day to several weeks in length. Taking into account these different segments of time and your family’s specific needs will help you plan your summer wisely, have fun, and stay sane all at the same time.

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Advice, Mindset Denise Simon Advice, Mindset Denise Simon

1 Exercise Child Actors Can Use to Get Into Character

Acting is “living truthfully under imaginary circumstances,” as one of the great contemporary acting teachers, Sanford Meisner, would say. Most people understand that acting involves pretending to be someone you are not, but it is a lot easier if you are personally connected to the character’s situation, with an understanding of the reality being portrayed. So, how does a child (who has had fewer years to collect experiences) gain the perspective and insight needed to truthfully act out situations he or she has never faced?

When I work with young actors who need help relating to something their character is experiencing that is unfamiliar to them, I use the “as if” exercise also known as the “magic if” technique taught by famed actor, director, and teacher Konstantin Stanislavsky. This exercise is employed to help students understand the reality of a character’s life and circumstances. 

When preparing to play a scene that is about something they never confronted before and which may seem foreign to them, I ask my students to answer the following two questions:

  1. How would you feel if this were happening to you?

  2. When the character faces this situation, what similar situation could you have faced in the past or imagine to be true that would feel as if you were going through the same thing?

First, thinking about the scene as if it is happening to you helps you imagine standing in the character’s shoes. The other day, for example, I had a student who was faced with a character whose parents are getting divorced, but she didn’t have any examples of divorce in her life. I asked her, “How would you feel if your parents were divorcing?” This requires imagination to answer and sometimes confidence to try. It can be hard for children to identify with some challenging situations if they find it is too scary to consider going through themselves. This exercise helps them relate without over-relating because they are consciously working through it. 

Another young actor’s character had to annoy her older brother in an audition scene for a film. In real life she has no siblings so I had her act  as if her annoying little cousin, whom she told me about, was bothering her. 

When young actors cannot put themselves in the character’s shoes directly, the “as if” exercise helps them find parallel situations in their own lives to aid them in relating via another perspective. I have the kids ask, “ ‘Situation A’ to the character is as if ‘what’ to me?” They usually find common ground in memories of the same emotions affecting them—pride, fear, anger, love, grief, hilarity, hurt, embarrassment. 

For example, if the character is mourning his father’s death, young actors can search their minds for times of loss and grief in their own lives. Maybe flushing their dead goldfish down the toilet was sad, but not sad enough to elicit the pain and sorrow a character would feel at the loss of his father. What about when Fido died after a car accident and the young actor had to say goodbye to his lifelong companion? That could do the trick. Being able to recall the appropriate feelings from your own life is essential for relating to your character’s inner truth during the scene. Having the ability to re-experience those feelings on cue is what lends authenticity to your performance. Perhaps a young actor has no prior experience with an emotion (which is true for many kids). This is where imagining something to be true will resonate. You may be pretending to be someone else, but you can’t fake the feelings.

Young performers are often asked to portray characters in situations that they just have not faced yet in their lives. By using the “as if” exercise described above, kids have a great tool to help them relate and, ultimately, act as if they know the truth of any moment.

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Advice, Mindset Denise Simon Advice, Mindset Denise Simon

3 Essential Traits Child Actors Need to Succeed

Show business is glamorous to the outside observer. It is exciting, exhilarating, and draws people who dream of living in that world into the footlights or studio from all walks. Insiders, however, know it is a lot of hard work and not everyone is cut out for it. How do you know if your child has what it takes to succeed? Here are three necessary traits that all successful performers in the industry have in common.

Passion. There is no doubt when young performers get bit by the acting, singing, and dancing bug that they are excited about it! It’s fun! Everyone will see their talent. Their friends will be jealous. The rewards will be fabulous! The question is whether this thrill will last. Is it rooted in a true passion for the craft? Look for the evidence. A child who is truly passionate about performing will be driven to exist in that world above all else. Sports? No thanks, I want to train with my voice coach. Spend Saturday at the mall? No way! I have acting class! Take a cruise during Spring Break? Isn’t there a performing arts program where I can try out for a musical during that vacation? It is this love affair with performing that is the whole reason for getting into the business. There is no substitute.

Dedication. Show business does not notice people with a passing interest in performing. A child needs to be committed to learning, practicing, and developing her talent above all other interests. There is a lot of competition and many talented people vying for attention, so each child will need to work hard and drive his own progress forward. This commitment means a child looks for opportunities to pursue her craft, getting involved in school productions, and community theater. He may be asking for a manager or agent, not waiting for someone else to suggest it. Your child will be memorizing her lines during her free time rather than playing Xbox or surfing the web. The mere thought of being late to acting class keeps her motivated to do her chores and homework on time. It would not be a struggle to get him to focus and do the work needed to memorize his monologue or nail his dance routine because he loves it. The work gets done.

Resilience. Everyone faces rejection in show business. While it may take some time to adjust to it, the experience of being told “no” is valuable. A performer can’t quit when things become challenging. He has to go out the next day and try another audition. And another. No one is right for all roles, and there are infinite reasons why one does or does not get cast. It is not personal. Understanding this is necessary to learning persistence. Courage, confidence, and resilience are needed every step of the way.

Pursuing a career in the performing arts is a tough road! Talent and skill are important, but they are not enough. It takes hard work over a long period of time to break through, so you have to be industrious. There are many disappointments before every triumph, so you have to have faith that the work will pay off. You keep pushing forward because you believe that success is right through the next door you open. All of these things together create the engine for success, and passion is the fuel that propels you forward.

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Advice, Mindset Denise Simon Advice, Mindset Denise Simon

9 Lessons ‘Dear Evan Hansen’ Can Teach Everyone


Last month, I took a group of my students and their parents to a performance of “Dear Evan Hansen.” When the curtain came down, every single one of us was flooded with emotions—there wasn’t a dry eye amongst us.

Without giving anything away, “Dear Evan Hansen” is a musical about a teen who feels invisible, but through a tragedy and a misunderstanding, finally starts to know what it’s like to fit in, to belong. The themes are universal and all too close to home for many. As one mother in our group stated, “We’ve all felt left out, lost, and alone at some point in our lives.”

After the moving theatrical experience we all had, I wanted to share what my students and parents took away from those hours in the theater. Regardless of whether you are an actor, parent, or civilian, no matter your age, gender, or religion, there are great life lessons to be learned from “Dear Evan Hansen.”

As an actor….

1. Be the character.
The show was believable because it was so real. These were real people having real experiences, not fabricated performances. The characters weren’t just being portrayed, they were living within the skin of the actor onstage.

2. Find the humor.
How can something as intense as a show about suicide be funny? Part of it is obviously the writing, but much of it relies on the actors. Throughout the show, Will Roland (in the role of Jared) and Kristolyn Lloyd (as Alana) used adept comic timing to make a serious subject real and tolerable. Just like life, we use humor to deal with pain.

3. Be vulnerable.
As actors, we’re taught to be vulnerable, a hard concept for many actors in training. But Ben Platt’s performance is a beautiful example of the power of being vulnerable. He offers himself totally and completely to the character of Evan Hansen. As the audience, we saw his insides, his raw emotion, and we’ll never forget it.

4. Allow silence.
When it comes to acting, it’s often the silence that has a greater impact than words. There is a moment in the show when the character of Evan is silent for what seems like an eternity, both to him and the audience. It’s uncomfortable, but we feel his anxiety and pain beyond what words could ever convey.

5. Make it original.
After countless stereotypical high school musicals with cheery dance numbers and sappy love songs, “Dear Evan Hansen” offers something wholly original and refreshing. We’re not watching a revival or a clone of something we’ve already seen. This is something new, something we’ve never seen before, and the energy and excitement is palpable.

READ: How Rachel Bay Jones Gives Her All to ‘Dear Evan Hansen’

As a human ….

6. Stay authentic.
Tell the truth. Don’t hide behind what you think others want you to be. “In a world of growing social media presence—which ‘Dear Evan Hansen’ portrays beautifully—we are constantly attempting to portray who we want everyone to think we are,” said 24-year-old Kevin Johnson, a member of our group that day.

“In reality, and even as a social media strategist, I find that authenticity gives the most positive and engaged feedback…. Students and adults alike need to know that being themselves is how we survive as people and that we do so by being honest with the most important person in our lives: ourselves.”

7. Stay aware.
Think about how social media affects us both negatively and positively. We often think we’re connecting with others virtually—more followers equals more friends, right? But in reality, spending all day with our heads in a computer or phone can mean that we’re actually disconnecting from the people around us. Make an effort to stay present.

8. Be relatable.
In the song “Waving Through A Window,” the lyrics begin, “On the outside always looking in, will I be more than I’ve always been?” This is the first introduction to Evan as someone who feels like he’s standing outside of something, never part of something.

“The words were such a powerful trigger, immediately triggering a thought that I was watching myself as a struggling teen in my darkest days,” said a 17-year-old student. The feeling was mutual for parents in the group: “As a mom, it also made me feel that same powerlessness of the two mothers on stage as they tried to deal with their sons’ pain and loneliness. There is nothing worse than being in the dark, unable to help.”

9. Embrace the imperfect.
Real life rarely ends with a big Hollywood flourish where everyone is happy and everything works out. Life is hard as lessons get learned and experience grows. This is reflected beautifully in “Dear Evan Hansen.” The show ends the way something so real, raw, and reflective should.

While the show is currently the darling of Broadway with its powerhouse cast, brilliant score, lyrics, and moving book, Dear Evan Hansen is profound on a personal and professional level. Run, don’t walk! This is a must-see for every theatre goer.

“It’s important to remind ourselves, young and old, that we must be our true, authentic selves. ‘You are you’ rings throughout [the show],” as Johnson reminds us. “I not only thought, ‘it is so vital for students to hear this,’ but also, ‘I needed this myself.”

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Mindset Denise Simon Mindset Denise Simon

19 Lessons For Self-Reflection on a Snow Day


As I work from home today, watching the snow floating down, I am in awe of nature’s beauty. The phone is not ringing since all personal and work appointments are cancelled, and my dog is fast asleep at my feet. Sometimes it’s nice to have a quiet moment to reflect on things that have inspired me.

I am a student and always will be. I have taken classes in acting, voice, dance, meditation, guitar, yoga, kick-boxing, knitting, quilting, and cooking to name a few. In my own work teaching clients, as both an acting and life coach, I find myself quoting words of wisdom from some of my favorite inspirational teachers that I have worked with over the years. In this time of quiet reflection, I thought it would be nice to share some of them with you...

“It’s haaaaard. Acting is very hard.”

“If you say you’re going to go, GO!”

“You must be willing to make a mess to have your dreams.“

“In order to explode, you must have the stuff to explode with.”

“The voices in our head will sabotage us.“

“Take the effort, struggle, and examining of it out of acting.”

“Theater is life distilled.”

“We must forget the language and go with the humanity.”

“Make it specific. You won’t react from generalizations.“

“Acting is the most important moment of your life.”

“The title is very important to what is happening in the scene.”

“You understand a play better when you understand what is going on in the world at that time. “

“There are only two emotions in life - love and fear.”

“Let things surprise you. The reward about acting is you discover all the different me’s.”

“Don’t take it personally. It’s never about us. “

“Stay curious.”

“Anyone can make the moment real, but what you do with it is where the talent lies.”

“With good writing your first obligation is to the playwright.”

“Pay attention!”

I encourage you to find a quiet moment in your own busy day so you can reflect on what inspires you to do what you do. This can bring a smile to your face, give you a deeper sense of certainty and satisfaction with your life, and can even trigger fresh ideas and get the creative juices flowing. Stay safe and warm and enjoy the snow.

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Mindset, Self Care Denise Simon Mindset, Self Care Denise Simon

6 Ways for Parents of Child Actors to Stay Healthy

If you have a child actor in your family, you know what a challenge it is to keep up with casting calls, paperwork, classes, and rehearsals. It can be easy to place your child’s career ahead of your needs. You’ve all heard the advice about putting on your oxygen mask first, but it bears repeating here. If you are not taking care of yourself, you will be of no service to your child.

Acting is a family business when young performers are involved. What started out as a hobby for your child has turned into a full-time job… for you. Driving, traveling, staying up late helping your child with their lines and caring for your other family members is extremely demanding. I have worked with hundreds of children, teens, and parents over the years. The kids who thrive are the ones with healthy parents who are great role models. One of the most important things you can do to help your child succeed is to take care of yourself.

Here are some helpful tips to make sure you stay emotionally and physically healthy so that you can handle the demands of your child’s career and manage your other responsibilities at home:

Find your own passion. It is exciting to fantasize about your child becoming a star but living vicariously through them can be damaging to both of you. Instead, discover what turns you on. Just like teaching your child to go after their dream, practice what you preach. No matter what age you are, you need something in your life that lights you up. If your career isn’t fulfilling, find a new flexible one. Take an online class to learn a new skill, develop your creativity in art or dance classes or even volunteer for something meaningful. It is an easy excuse to say there is no time for you. However, your kids want to see you do something exciting and interesting. Soon they will be posting your accomplishments on Instagram.

Stay physically active. You want to be there for your child—for a long time. As we all know, regular physical activity prevents many diseases, back pain, and stress management. You make sure your kids are staying active. Give yourself the same gift. If you don’t have time for a gym membership, carve out time to walk, take an exercise class, dance or practice yoga.

Be open-minded. Parents of young actors have many challenging decisions to make, especially about taking an out-of-town job or auditioning for a touring production. This can cause anxiety. There are no easy answers and many factors to consider. My suggestion is to stay open to all possibilities and look for creative solutions. Don’t just close a door without fully exploring how it can work. Talk about the implications with all family members so everyone is heard and considered. Some parents say no too quickly and then regret it.

READ: “How to Help Your Child Actor Find Success”

Delegate. In a recent coaching session, a mom was distraught about the amount of time it was taking to help manage her daughter’s career. She had no time for herself. She was not taking time for friendship, her marriage, or her health. She was starting to feel depressed, lonely and anxious. My recommendation was that she hire some help so that she could carve out some time for herself and her relationships. Consider housekeepers, drivers, grocery delivery, or any other people who can take some of the load off of your shoulders. It’s a worthwhile investment. 

Be financially responsible. You may have to leave your job to manage your child’s career. This may affect your family’s income, and with that comes stress. The costs add up: training, travel, audition expenses, headshots, child care, demo reels. Consult with your accountant and perhaps your financial planner. Learn about the tax implications and the record-keeping required to track expenses. Also, manage your per diem payment for expenses wisely. When you can alleviate financial insecurity, you will have one less worry.

Seek out help when you need it. Life is hard, let’s face it. Being the parent of a child actor is challenging. But you don’t have to go it alone. Talk to a life coach, therapist, or gather together with other parents who can offer support. When you find yourself feeling anxious, unable to sleep, exhausted or cranky, it’s time reach out and talk to someone who understands.

When you use these six tips, you’ll be happier, healthier, and more able to enjoy your life and your child’s acting career.

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Mindset, Advice Denise Simon Mindset, Advice Denise Simon

3 Reasons to Support Your Child’s Acting Dreams


“Help, my son wants to be an actor! Can’t I talk him out of it?” No, and why would you want to? You are so lucky your child has a passion that gets him out of bed each day. So many kids flounder because they haven’t found that “something special” that motivates them. Statistics show that most child actors won’t end up pursuing acting as adults, but there are still countless benefits they can gain as they make the journey.

A parent who recently brought her daughter to me for a consultation was concerned about all the negative effects the business has on a child, with the prospect of having to face rejection at the forefront.Rejection is part of life. Why not look at it as learning life’s lessons early on? Out of her fear and just plain not knowing, this mom was trying to do everything she could to sabotage her daughter’s dreams. I pointed out to her the many positive assets this business has to offer her child – building self esteem and confidence, learning how to speak in public, social interaction, risk-taking, listening skills, independence and responsibility, improved reading skills, and learning to think on your feet. After hearing these things, she left my studio excited to give her child a chance at pursuing her dream.

1. Acting builds self-confidence. I have taught countless shy introverts as well as kids who were afraid to get up in front of others for fear they weren’t pretty enough, talented enough, funny enough, or even smart enough. One of my students, who is now the associate director of graduate studies and lecturer on physics at Harvard University, attributes his teaching success to his acting and improvisational training. Some of my former students have gone on to pursue professional careers as actors while many others are successful in their chosen careers as chefs, journalists, teachers, business execs, theater company producers, casting directors, and many others. The one thing they all have in common is self-confidence.

2. Acting opens doors to other careers in the entertainment industry. Many of my colleagues in casting, management, teaching, producing, and directing were all actors. We all studied theater in the hopes of the big acting career. At some point in my journey – my late twenties to be exact – when I wanted more stability and financial security, I took the leap to the other side of the business. My acting training and love of theater has enabled me to have a happy and thriving career in the entertainment industry. My parents have no more regrets that I was a theater major; it now makes sense.

3. Some children choose acting because they have no other choice. It’s in their DNA. They act because they have to. Nothing else will satisfy them and fill them up the way getting on stage or in front of a camera does. If they have a choice, they will find it. Until then, support them! Don’t stand in your child’s way of self-empowerment, happiness, success, and becoming the best they can be.

I hope this has given you some food for thought if you have a child who longs to pursue acting. I would be happy to answer any questions you might have, so please leave a comment below and let me know your biggest concerns. Or, if you have already gone through this as a parent, I’d love to hear what made you decide to go ahead and support your child as they followed their acting dreams.

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Mindset Denise Simon Mindset Denise Simon

3 Ways Acting Boosts Self-Confidence in Young Performers

As parents, we strive to support our children in all of their endeavors. Actors act because nothing satisfies them as much. For young performers, it instills values and improves a child’s self-image. According to a May 2005 Harris Poll, 93 percent of Americans believe that the arts are essential to a complete education. Acting and performing teaches children the value of their creativity and gives them the confidence to share it with others. If you ever question what your child is achieving on their quest, here are three reminders of why acting can boost self-confidence and help your child thrive.

Acting instills pride in children. Acting requires enormous effort and helps children realize their potential for success. If your child spends time practicing, cultivating, and perfecting a piece of art, she will feel a great sense of accomplishment when she performs. She will carry that sense of pride into other aspects of her life because she developed confidence in her ability to achieve her goals.


Acting improves academic life. Studies show that acting translates into improved academic performance. The American Alliance for Theatre & Education found that students involved in drama performance “scored an average of 65.5 points higher on the verbal component and 35.5 points higher in the math component of the SAT.” Acting develops listening skills, reading comprehension, as well as social skills among children. A good performance relies on the ability for children to work as a team. Teamwork is also a necessary component to a successful academic life. If a child is constantly improving on these skills by performing, her confidence on the stage will improve her confidence in the classroom.

Acting is an outlet for creativity. Acting provides children with a safe space for self-expression. There is no right or wrong. Actors discover more about themselves by working with their minds and bodies. If a child believes in her own ability as an actor, it will translate in her performance. Acting is also a collaborative experience. Actors must work with each other to build trust and confidence in their art. Also necessary to any performance is the work of the stage crew. If your child finds her passion behind the scenes, stage crew and management provides a collaborative setting in which she can learn skills for success.

Acting creates a community for creativity and passion. Whether your child has dreams to act professionally, or simply enjoys it as a hobby, she will learn that her art has value. Success comes from believing in yourself and your abilities. The confidence that children gain through performing will carry over to all aspects of their life.

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