Tricks from Industry Insiders
6 Ways Child Actors Can Salvage the Summer
With Broadway lights dark until 2021 and COVID numbers still on the rise in many states, most educators have decided to continue teaching virtually. This has unfortunately resulted in camps and programs being canceled for the 2020 season, causing many students to worry about how they’ll continue to train. Lucky for them, educators have stepped up to the plate creating programming where different classes can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Whether it is Zoom, FaceTime, or Google Hangout all you need is a phone, an iPad, or a computer to get started.
With lights dark until 2021 and COVID numbers still on the rise in many states, most educators have decided to continue teaching virtually. This has unfortunately resulted in camps and programs being canceled for the 2020 season, causing many students to worry about how they’ll continue to train. Lucky for them, educators have stepped up to the plate creating programming where different classes can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Whether it is Zoom, FaceTime, or Google Hangout all you need is a phone, an iPad, or a computer to get started.
With these options available, here are six ways your young actor can get the most out of their training this summer.
1. Small group foundation building acting classes.
When your busy young actor is running from audition to audition and performing eight nights a week, they may not have time to focus on structure and building an acting foundation. Small group acting classes with 8–14 students is a wonderful way to cultivate trust within a group, learn from others, and grow with confidence. The good news is many of these classes can be taken online over the summer, allowing students from different locations and backgrounds to grow together. Start by enrolling your child in one of these courses. Many have adapted well to the virtual format so your child can continue learning in a structured environment, despite the uncertainty brought by today’s pandemic.
2. Masterclasses with working performers.
With so many performers out of work, Broadway actors are teaching what they know and do best. Many have begun leading master classes online with prominent student groups, which provide a fun way for your child to improve their craft with artists they admire. Scour the internet for single-day workshops and master classes. Many don’t require huge time commitments and they allow your child to take notes from their Broadway idols. They’re also great for students who live outside of New York who wouldn’t be given these opportunities if they hadn’t gone virtual.
3. One on one coaching.
There’s so much to learn to become a multi-faceted performer. The beauty of working one on one with a coach is you can focus on you and the specific skills you want to excel in including acting technique, voice, Shakespeare, monologues, audition technique, dance, dialects, and just about whatever you feel you need to improve. Working online also provides a unique opportunity to utilize your surrounding environments in ways you wouldn’t in person. Many teachers have been using FaceTime for years to work with students that live far away, so the good news is that the system has already been polished and improved.
4. Mindfulness, relaxation, and stress relief courses.
Being a busy young actor can be stressful and that stress has only been compounded by the recent break in routine that many children are experiencing. Enrolling your child in mindfulness and relaxation courses online is a great way to help them destress and cope with any confusion they might be feeling. While it’s important that they continue honing their acting skills, they shouldn’t neglect their mental health in the process. Online meditation can do both, helping your child improve their focus during work and keeping them healthy.
5. Explore YouTube.
YouTube has always been a great resource for young actors to improve their skills, and its benefits have become more apparent during social distancing. Kids can go online and find free tutorials on anything from cooking to basketball. This can be a great way for them to learn a new skill for their résumé or for them to improve their singing and acting technique. Bear in mind that few of these videos are uploaded by licensed professionals, and they should never take the place of class and coaching for your child. The first person your actor should consult for acting advice is always an instructor they know and trust. But if your young actor is in the mood to learn how to dribble a basketball or do a Russian accent, YouTube is a highly accessible resource.
6. Join virtual performances.
From cabarets to monologue slams, there are plenty of performances that have gone online and are now accessible to anyone in the world. This allows students to be viewed by hundreds of people who wouldn’t otherwise get to see them. I absolutely recommend auditioning for one of these programs. They’re great ways for students to perfect their skills and make new friends online, and many invite industry guests to the viewings. Students can learn to film themselves effectively and share their work with professionals who often give helpful critiques.
There’s no telling when the entertainment industry will resume in-person classes and auditions, so it’s important that students continue adjusting to a virtual world. These programs are more accessible than ever before, and many have been perfecting their online models for months now to ensure that students can continue to grow over the summer. Even if their camp isn’t meeting in person, students can still receive value on line. This will assure that they’re ready when our world opens up again.
11 Ways Young Actors Can Be Productive This Holiday Season
It’s everyone’s favorite time of year. Holidays, travel, family, food, chaos. It’s what life’s about. So what better place to learn about human behavior than at a large family gathering or traveling with Aunt Beth, Uncle Billy, and their three children? Perhaps you’re stuck in the airport due to a weather delay and your flight is canceled. Turn lemons into lemonade this holiday season and work on developing new characters by people watching, try learning a new accent while waiting, tap into some newfound emotions, be observant, or just be thankful.
With a week to a month off for some, there’s enough time to learn a new skill, get introspective with journaling, or give back with community service. Here are some ideas for how young performers can stay active and productive this holiday season.
It’s everyone’s favorite time of year. Holidays, travel, family, food, chaos. It’s what life’s about. So what better place to learn about human behavior than at a large family gathering or traveling with Aunt Beth, Uncle Billy, and their three children? Perhaps you’re stuck in the airport due to a weather delay and your flight is canceled. Turn lemons into lemonade this holiday season and work on developing new characters by people watching, try learning a new accent while waiting, tap into some newfound emotions, be observant, or just be thankful.
With a week to a month off for some, there’s enough time to learn a new skill, get introspective with journaling, or give back with community service. Here are some ideas for how young performers can stay active and productive this holiday season.
1. Participate in community service. Instead of receiving gifts this year, give the gift of service. Volunteer at a soup kitchen on Thanksgiving or Christmas, collect gifts for the needy, or participate in a cabaret or performance with a group at a nursing home or hospital. The best way to feel good about yourself is to do “feel good” things.
2. Go to a museum.One of my favorite plays is Tina Howe’s “Museum,” an absurd comedy in which 40 characters react to several art exhibits. No matter where you live there are probably many different types of museums. Have fun watching how others react to art and each other while getting your own inspiration from another art form.
3. See theater. With time off from work or school, it’s a great time to catch up on live theater. You don’t have to live in NYC to see a good play. Professional companies tour many cities across the country and there are plays being produced at your local regional or community theater. Here’s a tip if you plan to visit New York. If you want reasonably priced seats to a sold out show, just go to the box office and ask. Seats are released daily and you might just get lucky and score a ticket to “Hamilton” without paying tourist surcharges.
5 Things You Can Do to Further Your Career During the Holidays
4. Catch up on movies. Who doesn’t like seeing a blockbuster movie? If you don’t want to spend the money or just feel like hunkering down at home, I’m sure your streaming devices have an old flick playing you’ve never seen. Some of my favorite recommendations for young actors are “Paper Moon,” “Whiplash,” “Splash,” and “Blast from the Past.”
5. Read!I have a stack of plays to read this holiday season. When reading new playwrights’ work I often find great scenes and monologues to recommend to my students. Plays read much faster than novels so what are you waiting for!
6. Enjoy nature.We all get bogged down by life’s daily distractions. Embrace this opportunity as you take some quiet time for yourself or with your family. Whether hiking or cross country skiing, enjoy the outdoors and the beauty and solace it brings.
7. Do a puzzle. Not only is doing a puzzle good for brain building, but it’s a great way to bond with family and friends and get your mind off work.
8. Create a business action plan. Acting is a business and like most successful businesses you need a strategic action plan to succeed. Make sure to check self-submission sites such as Backstage daily so you don’t miss out on casting opportunities. Be current with your picture and résumé, and start work on your demo reel footage. Create lists of casting directors who accept headshots and résumés, and scour the internet for workshop and performance opportunities.
9. Write a monologue.Looking for the perfect monologue? Recall a funny or moving story in your life and take pen to paper and start writing. Remember truthful, honest, and real narratives will be the most powerful.
10. Write thank you notes. It’s not called Thanksgiving for nothing. Seize the opportunity to remind your child of how many people work to help them have a career.
11. Create a vision board. Who says resolutions don’t stick? With plenty of time to plan for the coming year, the holiday break can be a great opportunity to organize your ambitions and make sure you’re ready for the next cycle of auditions and classes. Vision boards can really help motivate you for your work as an actor and remind you of your goals, making it more likely that you’ll find success in whatever areas you decide to pursue. So what are you waiting for? Grab some scissors and get crafting!
How to Help Your Child Actor Maintain Normalcy
Many children I’ve worked with have expressed a need to act. It wasn’t just that acting was a hobby they enjoyed, but that they derived more happiness from acting than any other activity on the planet. If you have a child like that, you might worry that participating in the entertainment business will harm them and they won’t be able to live any type of normal life. There are downsides to fame after all. However, my 30 years in this industry have taught me that children who pursue their acting dreams actually reap great benefits from their experiences and they can navigate any downsides and achieve normalcy with your help.
Here are four concerns you might have about the industry and how you can help your child with them as they pursue their acting career.
Many children I’ve worked with have expressed a need to act. It wasn’t just that acting was a hobby they enjoyed, but that they derived more happiness from acting than any other activity on the planet. If you have a child like that, you might worry that participating in the entertainment business will harm them and they won’t be able to live any type of normal life. There are downsides to fame after all. However, my 30 years in this industry have taught me that children who pursue their acting dreams actually reap great benefits from their experiences and they can navigate any downsides and achieve normalcy with your help.
Here are four concerns you might have about the industry and how you can help your child with them as they pursue their acting career.
1. Bullies
It’s no secret that fame can often lead to some forms of bullying, especially with the prominence of the internet. What’s important to remember though is that your child will always have a strong support system. You, their parent, will be their number one advocate who will always have their back. Don’t underestimate your importance in this journey. Their team, including agent, manager and acting coach, will also be there to provide support and help them gain confidence. Neither you nor your child will be alone on this journey.
2. Jealousy
In a competitive field like the entertainment industry, it can be tempting to fuel jealousy of other children. But it isn’t difficult for a young child to make friends in the industry and grow with them. Remember, your child is still learning as they go and looking closely to you for guidance. Encourage them to feel happy for other children who get opportunities and to support their friends. In fact, I’ve found that the acting industry, being such a close community, actually encourages children to behave more maturely than their peers. They are expected to act like adults, and there is no room for bad behavior. As long as they are being guided along the way, there is no reason for a child actor to develop bad habits.
3. School
It can be difficult for a working child to attend school consistently, but that doesn’t mean it’s difficult for them to get a quality education. Actor unions closely monitor the amount of time a child is allowed to work and mandate that they are provided on-set tutors. For children with special learning needs, accommodations can be provided to cater to their specific course requirements. This is typically negotiated by your agent. One of my students didn’t attend a full week of school for much of her youth while she was working, but she was eventually accepted into Harvard. There is no need for your child’s career to prevent them from studying and growing.
4. A Happy Childhood
Many parents fear that the stress of working in an adult industry can have lingering psychological effects on their children, from the stress of learning lines to the constant rejection. I’ve found the opposite to be true so long as the child is truly passionate about acting. Children who enjoy acting don’t have to have conventional upbringings to be happy because they love what they’re doing. That said, if you find at any point that they have lost that spark, that they don’t want to go to auditions anymore or have experienced mood changes, it’s OK to take a break! Give them some time to pursue other hobbies. Let them decide if they want to return after taking some time off. There are simple ways to maintain a sense of normalcy as your child is pursuing their dreams. Eating dinner as a family can be a great way for everyone to bond when they may not see each other as often. But there is no need to worry about your child being unhappy with their upbringing, If they love what they’re doing, acting can actually teach them skills that can help them all throughout their life.
Despite what many parents believe, when done right, acting can be a greatly beneficial skill for a child. They learn professionalism from a young age as well as empathy and other virtues. If they have someone to help guide them, there is no reason an acting career should impede your child from learning and improving just as anyone else would.
Winter Self-Care for Child + Teen Actors
I don’t shake hands with my students. It’s not that I am rude, I just don’t have to time to get sick. I have a responsibility to myself, my family, and my students to show up for work every day and do the best job I can. This time of year, germs are flying—stomach bugs, colds, flu, even winter allergies can get the best of us.
As young actors, you work hard memorizing lines and putting in hours working with coaches or vocal teachers to nail scenes and songs. Kudos to you for preparing and doing your homework! But what if audition day arrives and you wake up sick? All that hard work goes down the drain.
Winter is also the time students are busy preparing to audition for high school and college theater programs. Last year, I helped a student all year on his monologues and songs in preparation for the Unified college theater auditions where many programs come together in one location so that students can audition for several universities in one shot. He was a triple threat, skilled in acting, voice, and dance and was, in my opinion, a big contender for a top musical theater program. Unfortunately, the weekend of his Unified auditions he woke up with laryngitis and couldn’t sing. He was accepted to an excellent theater program in acting, but not offered one for musical theater.
This business is not always forgiving and you don’t get do-overs often. As actors, our bodies and voices are our instruments, so here are some steps you can take to stay healthy so you’ll be at your best when opportunity knocks.
Get plenty of sleep.
Studies show that children ages 6-12 should get 9-12 hours and most teens need 8-10 hours of sleep per night. Sleep deficiency affects memory, attention, and mood…all things required to perform at one’s best. Get enough rest and you’ll be re-charged to show up fully in a business that is highly competitive. If you’re not all there, someone else will be.
Eat well.
Stick to a sensible diet. I know this is easier said than done but sugar and high carbs can cause mood swings and lethargy. Substitute protein bars for candy bars if you need a quick pick me up. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty of water as well, and you will be like a well-oiled machine.
Embrace vitamins and remedies.
If you are eating a balanced diet, you may not need supplements. However, a gummy vitamin each day can’t hurt (just check with your parents first). During cold season I use Airborne Cold Eeze, and echinacea, an herb that encourages the immune system and reduces many of the symptoms of colds, flu, and some other illnesses.
Be mindful and grateful.
I know parents sound like a broken record, but do what they say. It works. Wash your hands often. Don’t smoke or drink. Stop yelling. Say please and thank you. Gratitude is the answer to happiness. Be a happy actor and people will want to work with you.
6 Ways for Parents of Child Actors to Stay Healthy
If you have a child actor in your family, you know what a challenge it is to keep up with casting calls, paperwork, classes, and rehearsals. It can be easy to place your child’s career ahead of your needs. You’ve all heard the advice about putting on your oxygen mask first, but it bears repeating here. If you are not taking care of yourself, you will be of no service to your child.
Acting is a family business when young performers are involved. What started out as a hobby for your child has turned into a full-time job… for you. Driving, traveling, staying up late helping your child with their lines and caring for your other family members is extremely demanding. I have worked with hundreds of children, teens, and parents over the years. The kids who thrive are the ones with healthy parents who are great role models. One of the most important things you can do to help your child succeed is to take care of yourself.
Here are some helpful tips to make sure you stay emotionally and physically healthy so that you can handle the demands of your child’s career and manage your other responsibilities at home:
Find your own passion. It is exciting to fantasize about your child becoming a star but living vicariously through them can be damaging to both of you. Instead, discover what turns you on. Just like teaching your child to go after their dream, practice what you preach. No matter what age you are, you need something in your life that lights you up. If your career isn’t fulfilling, find a new flexible one. Take an online class to learn a new skill, develop your creativity in art or dance classes or even volunteer for something meaningful. It is an easy excuse to say there is no time for you. However, your kids want to see you do something exciting and interesting. Soon they will be posting your accomplishments on Instagram.
Stay physically active. You want to be there for your child—for a long time. As we all know, regular physical activity prevents many diseases, back pain, and stress management. You make sure your kids are staying active. Give yourself the same gift. If you don’t have time for a gym membership, carve out time to walk, take an exercise class, dance or practice yoga.
Be open-minded. Parents of young actors have many challenging decisions to make, especially about taking an out-of-town job or auditioning for a touring production. This can cause anxiety. There are no easy answers and many factors to consider. My suggestion is to stay open to all possibilities and look for creative solutions. Don’t just close a door without fully exploring how it can work. Talk about the implications with all family members so everyone is heard and considered. Some parents say no too quickly and then regret it.
READ: “How to Help Your Child Actor Find Success”
Delegate. In a recent coaching session, a mom was distraught about the amount of time it was taking to help manage her daughter’s career. She had no time for herself. She was not taking time for friendship, her marriage, or her health. She was starting to feel depressed, lonely and anxious. My recommendation was that she hire some help so that she could carve out some time for herself and her relationships. Consider housekeepers, drivers, grocery delivery, or any other people who can take some of the load off of your shoulders. It’s a worthwhile investment.
Be financially responsible. You may have to leave your job to manage your child’s career. This may affect your family’s income, and with that comes stress. The costs add up: training, travel, audition expenses, headshots, child care, demo reels. Consult with your accountant and perhaps your financial planner. Learn about the tax implications and the record-keeping required to track expenses. Also, manage your per diem payment for expenses wisely. When you can alleviate financial insecurity, you will have one less worry.
Seek out help when you need it. Life is hard, let’s face it. Being the parent of a child actor is challenging. But you don’t have to go it alone. Talk to a life coach, therapist, or gather together with other parents who can offer support. When you find yourself feeling anxious, unable to sleep, exhausted or cranky, it’s time reach out and talk to someone who understands.
When you use these six tips, you’ll be happier, healthier, and more able to enjoy your life and your child’s acting career.
When to Get Braces for a Young Actor
An eleven-year-old and her parents came to me seeking advice on getting representation. The adorable tween sang like an angel, had a read that blew me away, and was extremely marketable. As I finished talking to her parents, I let them know that there were many agents or managers who would sign their child in an instant. Then they laid it on me, “By the way, Sophie’s braces are coming on next week.”
Adolescence is indeed a tricky time for any child—let alone a child actor. Braces can definitely put things to a halt in our business, so paying attention to timing is important.
There may be no perfect time to begin orthodontic treatment, but here are a few helpful tips as you begin your investigation.
When is the best time to begin the process?
I spoke with orthodontist, Dr. Gerald E. Gardner, DDS, M.S. in Yorktown Heights, New York to get his advice on this one. “The best time to be evaluated for orthodontic treatment is between the ages of 9 and 11. One thing to remember is some children at the age of 9 can have a mouth of an 11-year-old, and some 11-year-olds can have a mouth of a 9-year-old. A trained orthodontist can evaluate the child in that time period to decide the best time to start treatment.” If your child is working or auditioning regularly at this age, you may want to consult with your orthodontist and see if holding off a few years is acceptable. That would bring your child to the awkward teen years when work tends to slow down anyway.
What about Invisalign?
Dr. Gardner concurs with me on this one. In the eyes of a certified orthodontist, Invisalign has limitations in its use and generally does not produce the same results as traditional braces. So, although you can remove them for auditions, they may not correct the teeth. After spending all of that money, your child may wind up needing metal braces after all.
Can’t I just have them removed for an audition or job?
Think about this one carefully before acting on it. According to Dr. Gardner, “Removal of braces for auditions can add an additional cost when braces have to be replaced. It can also extend the treatment time.” However, it may be worth it to you if it means getting a big role, so talk it over with your family and agent or manager.
What areas can my child work in with braces?
Occasionally, children with braces are needed for an on-camera television commercial. More often than not, however, braces will be a deterrent. Voiceover work on the other hand is not a problem for a child with braces unless the equipment in the mouth creates a speech problem. Many children will opt for clear braces and are able to work on stage since their mouth will not be seen from a distance. Depending on the time period and role type, there may also be some film and TV roles that will work for a child with braces.
Braces are a normal part of life for many children and teens, and they are just one of many things that you will need to consider as you and your child plan out his showbiz career. Plan wisely and don’t hesitate to discuss this with your agent or manager, but don’t let it discourage you either. Your child is growing up, and, with a little luck and hard work, will have many years ahead to land some fabulous roles and shine on stage—all with beautifully straight teeth.
What experiences have you had in this area? If you are the parent of a young actor who is destined to wear braces, what advice have you received? I’d love to hear from you. Just leave a comment below!
7 Gifts to Give Your Young Actor This Holiday Season
The holiday music is already playing in my favorite coffee shop, so it must be the time of year for all good actors to make their wish lists. Here’s a list that will keep you out of the Black Friday crowds, and still make the holiday gift you give to a young actor a memorable one.
1. Theater tickets. It never fails to make me smile when my students excitedly tell me about the magic of the theater from the perspective of an audience member. Actors who have experienced this connection are more likely to embrace it in their own performances. It also provides young actors with essential examples of good acting, and inspires their passion for performance.
2. Career check-up. Students who are actively developing their skills in classes and performance often benefit from an independent evaluation. I routinely work with young performers into their mid twenties to assess their talents and marketability. An industry professional can make career and training suggestions to help a young actor meet his goals, whether they be professional, collegiate, or for personal achievement.
3. Board games. Guesstures is a charades game from Parker Brothers that my students and their families enjoy playing. So much of acting is about learning to communicate non-verbal meaning in support of the words in a script. This fast paced, almost frenetic version of the typical take on charades prevents the game from getting dull, keeps the entire family laughing, and is great practice for non-verbal communication. It’s good as a party game for adults too! I also recommend the game Kids on Stage, another take on charades for the budding actor ages 3-6.
4. Lessons and Classes. Most young actors participate in classes. Despite this, however, many students still have inadequate training. If your child has been focusing on musical theater, it may be time to take an on-camera workshop to expand their range and marketability. In addition, many young students begin with a passion for acting, but soon discover that dance and voice are important components to their ongoing progress. Even if your young actor is not naturally blessed with triple threat talent, I suggest you encourage them to expand their range in this way as well.
5. Entertainer’s Secret. My students and colleagues rave about this product. Without making any medical claims or promises (I’m not a doctor; please check with yours before use), it has provided relief to many of my singers and actors with hoarseness from overuse. It’s a must-have item for your actor’s first-aid kit. It even comes in a travel size for when you are on the road!
6. Plays and Books. I encourage all my teen and young adult actors to read plays. I recommend important modern playwrights for their accessibility. Some of my favorites include Neil Simon’s “Brighton Beach Memoirs,” “I Ought to be in Pictures,” “The Gingerbread Lady,” “The Good Doctor,” and “Lost in Yonkers.” These plays all feature young characters that bear studying. I also recommend “Be Aggressive” by Annie Weisman, “Our Town” and “The Matchmaker” by Thorton Wilder, “Women and Wallace” by Jonathan Marc Sherman, “Courtship” by Horton Foote and, the classic, “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee. If your young actor is interested in monologues for audition purposes, avoid compendiums of generic monologues solely created for the audition. I generally find these collections to be vague and trite. Stick with good literature and you can’t go wrong.
7. GripTight GorillaPod. I love mine and I know your actor will love theirs! It is a miniature tripod with flexible legs that wrap around just about anything to create a stable, portable stand for your smart phone, iPhone, iTouch, or other camera and/or video recording device. This is a must purchase for self-taping auditions.
Enjoy the holiday season! I hope your young actor is thrilled with these gifts and your family is blessed with a happy, healthy and safe holiday.